Sunday, November 11, 2007

Interns blog about experience

The Community Media Center, a non-profit public access television station in Palo Alto, CA offers internships to youth in high school and college. The interns gain valuable experience in video editing and production. They maintain a blog about the work they've been doing and their thoughts about it. The movies students produce are documentaries that educate the community about the lives of college students and high school students, among other things. Palo Alto High School's student-run newspaper ran an article about the youth program at the Media Center.
"The Media Center provides tools for teens considering a career in media to get a taste of the field," the article stated. The center does this by giving interns the freedom to use equipment for free so they can successfully produce and edit the projects they've been working on.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Intern in high school, stand out from crowd

I came across an article on about sniffing out internships while you're still in high school. It links to a few companies that have formal internship programs for high school students. According to the article, many organizations, such as the Smthsonian, have formal internship programs for high school students. That is a testimate to the increasing amount of high school students interested in pursuing internships.

According to Alicia Fales, coordinator of the Honors Senior Internship Program at Towson High School, 45 seniors are currently interning. When I was a student there in 2002, there were only 15 interns in the program. Students work with a mentor that provides them with an experience that can't be replicated in the classroom.